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Energy Info BG
Online catalog of the companies supplying products and services for the energy sector and Annual Almanac of the Bulgarian energy sector

Energy Info BG is the latest publication in the portfolio of media products for power engineering of TLL Media Ltd. - the Bulgarian leading publisher for professional technical periodicals.

Energy Info BG is an online catalog of the companies in the Energy sector, operating on the Bulgarian market.

Once per year the company presentations are included in a luxury ALMANAC OF THE BULGARIAN ENERGY SECTOR, which presents the development, investments and business options in the sector, as well as the leading companies in the power industry in Bulgaria.

Energy Info BG is a type of Who's Who publication in the Bulgarian energy sector? and includes catalog information for companies supplying products and services for the power industry, operating at the Bulgarian market within the areas: Energy Efficiency, Thermal Engineering, Power Engineering, Renewable Energy Sources, Nuclear Power Industry, Gasification, Coal, Oil / Primery Energy Sources, EV Charging Infrastructure.

Our preliminary studies have shown keen interest from both consumers and investors in the Bulgarian energy sector, and among providers of products and services for it - the branch declared their need for information concentrated in one source about the participants in this market as in the Internet, and so as a reference book on the desk of every professional.

Energy Info BG is the first ever publication in the country and will fully meet this information need of the Bulgarian energy community.

Energy Info BG Catalogue is a periodical that is available on the Internet in digital format and is published once a year. Issued in a luxurious booklet in A5 format and print run of 5000 copies, which contains representations of the suppliers of products and services for the power industry, ads for their products and their market presence, directories to facilitate the search for suppliers.

Energy Info BG – The Catalogue of the companies supplying products and services for the power industry in Bulgaria has its own web site that is updated daily.

Energy Info BG will be made by the team of one of the most successful publications of TLL Media Ltd. – The Bulgarian technical magazine for the power industry - Energy Review.

The aim of
Energy Info BG is to serve the users of the Bulgarian energy sector, investors, engineering companies, system integrators and other specialists in the field. The catalog provides the overall audience from the existing and potential customers to the providers of energy products not only as contact information but also as detailed description of the company with its products and technologies, their foreign partners and contractors, the objects of references in Bulgaria. Using the completeness of this information, customers and investors in the Bulgarian energy sector can choose the right partner for your project.

The participation in Energy Info BG is easy and intuitive, information is submitted to the publishing house in a very simple way - by filling out the form on the Internet which is protected by a password. As soon as a participating company confirms the completed form information, it is published online and available the consumers.

Energy Info BG Catalogue provides rich opportunities and tools for presentation and promotion of energy providers with which to focus on the specifics of their business, product and technological know-how, to implement a brand and image campaigns. There are exclusive offers for printed and digital advertising, as well as packages for corporate presentation and advertising.

For further information and requests for participation or delivery of the publication, please call the publishing house at 02/818 3838 or write to

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